Sunday, February 26, 2012

Heads up!

Emma has been doing this pretty much from day one, but she's really getting good at holding her head up. Here she is showing off her skill!
I also caught her smiling. Even though it was in her sleep and she didn't mean to. This was a few days ago but I'm just now getting around to posting it. Sorry it's a little blurry.
At times, she will fall asleep with her eyes open which is a little strange to watch. It's sometimes difficult to tell when she's awake and asleep. A few ways to tell she's really sleeping: her breathing is faster, her eyes move more rapidly and sometimes go in opposite directions (eek!), and she makes the most adorable facial expressions. We've caught this on video but can't save it here for some reason. I was a little concerned about the whole sleeping with the eyes open thing so I googled it and found out it's pretty common (up until a certain age). Weird!

First of many....

I decided that yesterday was the day. It was time for Emma to sport a bow! And that she definitely did :)

1 month old... already!!

I can't believe Emma is already one month old! She has been such a joy!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Patrick had the night off, so we were able to spend our evening at home and had a delicious meal (cooked by him, of course!) It's so nice to have a yummy meal without having to deal with the restaurant crowds from time to time. Patrick and Emma got me a beautiful ring that was part "push present" and part Valentine's gift. It's a garnet stone, which is Emma's birth stone. I absolutely love it! Here's our real gift to each other...

Doctor's checkup

We took Emma to her 2 week check-up and she still looks great! She weighed 6 lbs 13 oz (1.5 oz away from her original birth weight). She had not gained any more length yet (still 20.5 inches) but there's still lots of time for that! I was curious to know her percentiles -- she was only about 10-15% for weight (little squirt!) but was above 50% for height. So all we really know at this point is she might take after her daddy's build (thank goodness!)

Just some cute pics

First stroll around the neighborhood

Adorable onesie from Stump -- says "Patty's My Daddy" (Patty is an old nickname of Patrick's)

Wide awake :)

Sleeping Beauty ;)

Friday night TV buddies

Great-grandparents came to visit!

Mom and Pop (my dad's parents) and Grandma (my mom's mom) all came to the hospital for Emma's birth but were only able to see her through the nursery window. They came at the time the nurses were doing all of the tests in the nursery, so they were disappointed they weren't able to hold her right away. They came over to the house once we got situated and were thrilled to hold their great-grandbaby!