Sunday, August 28, 2011

Baby Updates and Edisto Vacation

We went back to the doctor for a follow-up on July 7th (11 wks, 4 days) and heard the little one's heartbeat again -- this time it was up to 160. Even though we weren't able to see him or her, it was exciting to hear!

We went to Edisto for the annual Carlisle beach trip from July 10th-17th. I didnt' remember my camera to upload any pics - oops! But I'm sure I don't need pics to prove we had the most incredible, relaxing time! There are several pics on Catherine and Rachael's blogs if you follow them :)

August 4th --- back to the doctor we went (15 wks, 4 days). Baby's heartbeat was still 160 and strong. We left the office smiling, knowing that our next visit would be to find out the gender and we'd be able to see him or her again (FINALLY!)

I'm not the best at taking belly pics but here is one at 16 weeks.

The belly is finally requiring maternity clothes (I was secretly really excited about that!), so Mom and I went shopping!
The next week was a busy one -- my 28th birthday and our one year wedding anniversary! We did a lot of eating and relaxing to celebrate :) Patrick had some beautiful flowers sent to work for an early anniversary gift. I wasn't expecting them, so with the incredibly sweet note combined with my hormones... I immediately started blubbering like a pregnant chick :)
 Here is a belly shot at 18 weeks. I have finally started feeling little pokes and fluttering that I'm 95% sure is baby. I was feeling SOME fluttering a couple weeks ago, but it was so light that I wasn't sure. I keeping hearing "Oh, don't you worry! You'll start to feel the baby doing gymnastics in there soon enough!" I can't wait :)

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