After over a year of not seeing her beautiful face in person, I was finally able to give Val a big ol hug! She and Adam came home to visit for Thanksgiving -- we had a lot of great times hanging out while they were here. She even extended her stay a couple weeks! They got to Aiken and surprised me at work :) (This was at 30 weeks.)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
28 week update
I don't have a lot of new updates as of right now. I did have my 28 week appointment on Tuesday and all is well! I passed the glucose screening (thank goodness!), so that's one less hurdle. I have to say, this whole pregnancy thing hasn't been bad at all... knock on wood! At the appointment, Emma Kate's heart rate was 150 and the doctor was "pretty sure" she is head down (as she's been for a while... again.. they "think"). It's been so much fun feeling and SEEING her move around in there. Sometimes I catch myself stop what I'm doing and just watch. I now see what everyone is talking about when they say they miss being pregnant once the baby is born. It's such a neat experience! I don't, however, see how people go through it 18+ times like that crazy TV show on TLC :) I haven't been taking belly pics like I hoped, but here's one as of 28 weeks.
I have strangers ask me on a daily basis how far along I am, when I'm due, or if I'm having a boy or girl :) One day, I actually encountered a lady at Target who felt the need to point out to me that "I have a baby in there." No joke. She actually pointed at my belly and told me "you have a baby in there." Shocked... I just said "yes. I do..." And she just giggled and walked off. Oh, man.
We've been busy working on the nursery but it's not complete yet. The changing table is in place and we've got the crib all set up with the beautiful bedding!
I decided to get crafty and have painted a few things for the walls. I will post pics once I get the room a little more organized. Promise :)
I have strangers ask me on a daily basis how far along I am, when I'm due, or if I'm having a boy or girl :) One day, I actually encountered a lady at Target who felt the need to point out to me that "I have a baby in there." No joke. She actually pointed at my belly and told me "you have a baby in there." Shocked... I just said "yes. I do..." And she just giggled and walked off. Oh, man.
We've been busy working on the nursery but it's not complete yet. The changing table is in place and we've got the crib all set up with the beautiful bedding!
I decided to get crafty and have painted a few things for the walls. I will post pics once I get the room a little more organized. Promise :)
Happy Halloween!
Being that our neighborhood is somewhat new, we weren't surprised when we had ONE trick-or-treater all night long. A few nights before, we had a few people over for chili, carved pumpkins, and were finally able to use our burn pit! Here's a pic of our front porch -- we love our pumpkin on the door (thanks to Rachael and Chris!)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
23 week ultrasound
We went to the doctor for a clearer ultrasound on Friday (23 wks 5 days). They measured Emma Kate and said she is measuring a week smaller. Hopefully that means she'll be petite :) She weighed 1 lb 3 oz! Her heartbeat was 146, doctor said it's normal for it to lower slightly as she progresses. We were able to sneak a peak at her in 3D... couldn't tell who she looks like yet but she sure is a cutie! I'm not the best at scanning the pics but here's an attempt. The side profile in 2D...
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Decisions, decisions!
Today, we finalized our little girl's name!! Drumroll please!!!!!! Emma Kate Carlisle it is! We just love it :) I've always loved the name Emma and Patrick's grown to love it too. Kate just seems to compliment it so well. We threw many other names into the mix and Emma Kate won every time :) Hope she likes it... haha!
Also, we ordered the crib bedding and I, for one, am really excited! I've posted a picture from the website here. Can't wait to start putting it all together! We picked up the crib and changing table a couple weeks ago but won't put it in the nursery until we choose a paint color and get it on the walls. Again... more decisions! Now that we've finally decided on the bedding, the nursery should start to come together soon!
Also, we ordered the crib bedding and I, for one, am really excited! I've posted a picture from the website here. Can't wait to start putting it all together! We picked up the crib and changing table a couple weeks ago but won't put it in the nursery until we choose a paint color and get it on the walls. Again... more decisions! Now that we've finally decided on the bedding, the nursery should start to come together soon!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
It's A....
The day FINALLY came for our 20 week ultrasound! We went yesterday and were able to see our little one on the monitor, hear its heartbeat, and find out if "it" was a he or a she. After many looonnnng weeks of waiting... we found out we're having a GIRL!!! We are so excited! I, for one, can't WAIT to buy all kinds of girly things :) I would post a pic but they aren't very good. Apparently baby girl is going to be like her daddy.. she wouldn't sit still for even a second for the sonographer to get a good, non-blurry image.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Baby Updates and Edisto Vacation
We went back to the doctor for a follow-up on July 7th (11 wks, 4 days) and heard the little one's heartbeat again -- this time it was up to 160. Even though we weren't able to see him or her, it was exciting to hear!
We went to Edisto for the annual Carlisle beach trip from July 10th-17th. I didnt' remember my camera to upload any pics - oops! But I'm sure I don't need pics to prove we had the most incredible, relaxing time! There are several pics on Catherine and Rachael's blogs if you follow them :)
August 4th --- back to the doctor we went (15 wks, 4 days). Baby's heartbeat was still 160 and strong. We left the office smiling, knowing that our next visit would be to find out the gender and we'd be able to see him or her again (FINALLY!)
I'm not the best at taking belly pics but here is one at 16 weeks.

The belly is finally requiring maternity clothes (I was secretly really excited about that!), so Mom and I went shopping!
The next week was a busy one -- my 28th birthday and our one year wedding anniversary! We did a lot of eating and relaxing to celebrate :) Patrick had some beautiful flowers sent to work for an early anniversary gift. I wasn't expecting them, so with the incredibly sweet note combined with my hormones... I immediately started blubbering like a pregnant chick :)
Here is a belly shot at 18 weeks. I have finally started feeling little pokes and fluttering that I'm 95% sure is baby. I was feeling SOME fluttering a couple weeks ago, but it was so light that I wasn't sure. I keeping hearing "Oh, don't you worry! You'll start to feel the baby doing gymnastics in there soon enough!" I can't wait :)
We went to Edisto for the annual Carlisle beach trip from July 10th-17th. I didnt' remember my camera to upload any pics - oops! But I'm sure I don't need pics to prove we had the most incredible, relaxing time! There are several pics on Catherine and Rachael's blogs if you follow them :)
August 4th --- back to the doctor we went (15 wks, 4 days). Baby's heartbeat was still 160 and strong. We left the office smiling, knowing that our next visit would be to find out the gender and we'd be able to see him or her again (FINALLY!)
I'm not the best at taking belly pics but here is one at 16 weeks.

The next week was a busy one -- my 28th birthday and our one year wedding anniversary! We did a lot of eating and relaxing to celebrate :) Patrick had some beautiful flowers sent to work for an early anniversary gift. I wasn't expecting them, so with the incredibly sweet note combined with my hormones... I immediately started blubbering like a pregnant chick :)
Here is a belly shot at 18 weeks. I have finally started feeling little pokes and fluttering that I'm 95% sure is baby. I was feeling SOME fluttering a couple weeks ago, but it was so light that I wasn't sure. I keeping hearing "Oh, don't you worry! You'll start to feel the baby doing gymnastics in there soon enough!" I can't wait :)
Oh, Baby!!
On May 24, 2011 -- Patrick and I got the biggest surprise of our lives. We found out we were expecting!! (I told you our lives have moved fast!) We took that surprise as a sign that, although not expected so soon, is a blessing of what is meant to be for us. After taking four at-home pregnancy tests, I called my doctor the next morning to schedule an appointment. The appointment scheduler asked me "So you've taken a pregnancy test and it was positive?" I said "mmm hmm.... I took FOUR!" We met with the doctor for the first time on June 6 and found out I was 7 weeks and 1 day along. We were able to see our little boogar and hear its heartbeat -- 120 at the time. What an emotional moment!
We told our parents, Patrick's siblings, and a couple close friends our big news that night. Everyone seemed to share our same enthusiasm and we just know this sweet baby will be oh-so-loved! This baby will be the first grandchild for my parents!! And as you will see below, he or she will be Patrick's parents' FIFTH!
Back to the siblings --- I failed to mention in the Wedding Day post that I also gained 6 siblings the day we said "I do!" I grew up an only child, so adding Patrick's two sisters and brother plus their spouses was a really fun bonus to marrying Patrick! Since I'm so late in starting this blog, I must also mention that I became an aunt on our wedding day to Luke (who is now almost 3!). Tyler was due to be born less than a month after our wedding day (he's now turning 1!). Since then, Henry has entered the world and is now over 2 months old! Rachael is expecting the first little girl and we can't wait to meet Adaline Grace around November 9th! Our family has been VERY busy :) Here is a pic of Luke, Tyler, and Henry. And a sneak peak of Adaline!
Our first home (and first MAJOR purchase!)
In March of 2011, we made the leap and decided we were ready to be in debt for many years -- so we purchased our first home! We were very lucky to find a builder that was affordable in a great location and we have loved making it our own (although we're NOWHERE near done!). It's a great size and we knew we'd definitely be able to grow into it once we start a family. Patrick really enjoys working in the yard -- he can have all the credit for how great he keeps it manicured :) Here is a pic of the outside when we first moved in.
This is the crepe myrtle that Patrick's parents bought us for our housewarming gift!
This is the crepe myrtle that Patrick's parents bought us for our housewarming gift!
The first day of the rest of our lives!
Patrick and I were married in our hometown of Aiken, SC on August 21, 2010. The day went by so fast, but we both enjoyed every second spending it with our friends and family. Here are a few pictures of our wedding day.
Our wedding party!
Our amazing parents!
Our wedding party!
Our amazing parents!
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